About Me

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We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mommy door

JJ is such a neat little boy. This morning when we woke up, he was telling me "mommy door" as he was holding his little matchbox car. Then he said "JJ door," and "baby door." He was pointing to the doors on the car where each of us sit. I can't believe he is only 2!

He helped me mix cranberry muffins today as well. And, he's helping me pull weeds in the garden. We don't have any plants yet that I want to keep, so we'll see how his weeding goes once we plant vegetables, but for now, its been fun. He is also helping me dig and turn the earth with his little shovel. He also likes to rake the grass. What a cutie!

Moira can now push herself up into a sitting position from almost any position on the floor or crawling. And, from a sitting position, she can lean forward to crawl or go down to lay on the floor. She has started eating sweet potatoes and the little flavored puffs.

I presented my Master's Degree capstone yesterday morning. I'm confident that I did okay. Its amazing to have completed this degree. I remember starting it and thinking two years was a big commitment, but now, it seems to have gone by too fast.

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