About Me

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We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Finn's milk

We went to baby's r us this weekend to buy some little people stuff. I was looking at sippy cups for JJ because he is starting to drink from a regular cup. He's doing good, but about an ounce at a time just in case. JJ kept repeating "Finn milk," "Anna milk," "Emma milk." It took me a while to figure out what he meant. He says his friends names quite often during the day. Then I looked at him and he was pointing to different cups and saying the children's names. He remembered which cups each child in his class has. AMAZING!

He is now on a cleaning spree as well. Yesterday he woke from his nap and didn't make any noise. Everyone knows this means something very interesting and messy is going on :) This is something you have to see:


Our YouTube channel name is karendoh0201.

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