About Me

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We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mommy door

JJ is such a neat little boy. This morning when we woke up, he was telling me "mommy door" as he was holding his little matchbox car. Then he said "JJ door," and "baby door." He was pointing to the doors on the car where each of us sit. I can't believe he is only 2!

He helped me mix cranberry muffins today as well. And, he's helping me pull weeds in the garden. We don't have any plants yet that I want to keep, so we'll see how his weeding goes once we plant vegetables, but for now, its been fun. He is also helping me dig and turn the earth with his little shovel. He also likes to rake the grass. What a cutie!

Moira can now push herself up into a sitting position from almost any position on the floor or crawling. And, from a sitting position, she can lean forward to crawl or go down to lay on the floor. She has started eating sweet potatoes and the little flavored puffs.

I presented my Master's Degree capstone yesterday morning. I'm confident that I did okay. Its amazing to have completed this degree. I remember starting it and thinking two years was a big commitment, but now, it seems to have gone by too fast.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Finn's milk

We went to baby's r us this weekend to buy some little people stuff. I was looking at sippy cups for JJ because he is starting to drink from a regular cup. He's doing good, but about an ounce at a time just in case. JJ kept repeating "Finn milk," "Anna milk," "Emma milk." It took me a while to figure out what he meant. He says his friends names quite often during the day. Then I looked at him and he was pointing to different cups and saying the children's names. He remembered which cups each child in his class has. AMAZING!

He is now on a cleaning spree as well. Yesterday he woke from his nap and didn't make any noise. Everyone knows this means something very interesting and messy is going on :) This is something you have to see:


Our YouTube channel name is karendoh0201.

She sparkles with love

Here comes trouble!

First day of daycare

Moira started daycare on Friday. She did well. She played with the other babies. She refused to take a bottle so I had to go and nurse her. She wouldn't drink from a bottle when I went back to work and stayed home with Jeff, so this isn't surprising. As Jeff would say, "she likes her milk from the tap, not from the can." Other than that, she seemed pretty happy. She has a lot of new toys to play with and new friends. She was playing with the director's baby who is 2 weeks older than her. They were both giggling at each other and making cute faces during the afternoon.

Moira started eating foods last week. Her first food is avocados. The first time she didn't quite know what to do, but each time after that she's gotten better. She wolfed down half of a mashed avocado today. We'll be adding yams in a few days.

JJ realized that Dada is at work and not coming home soon this morning. We knew he would realize it eventually. Each time he asks for Jeff, we tell him that Jeff is at work which is the truth. JJ is just starting to have a concept of time. He loves taking a bath. He knows when its dark outside he can take a bath, so he tells us "dark outside bath or water" when he wants a bath. (He wants a bath all day long :) )

Today he realized that dada has not come home from work. We've been watching YouTube movies through Directv on our TV which is helping. He now asks for "dada TV." We were able to Skype with Jeff tonight and that helped too. Its hard to see my little boy crying for daddy and trying not to cry along with him. We are closer to him coming home with each day.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Three birthday parties for our JJ!

JJ is a most celebrated little boy. He had 3 wonderful birthday parties this past week. His birthday extravaganza started out with a home party with Daddy, grandma, Moira and Mama on the Saturday before his birthday. On his birthday he had a fun party at his daycare center with ten of his little friends. He had an Elmo cupcake cake. It was cute to see all the little ones excited about the Elmo cake! Then, Grammy and I took him to a Japanese restaurant where we were the only customers. All the restaurant staff came out to wish JJ a happy birthday. The grill chef did a special dinner presentation for JJ. When we were done with dinner, more customers came. It was fun to have the restaurant to ourselves.