About Me

My photo
We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

at Fisherman's Wharf

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San Francisco from the island

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Welcome to Alcatraz

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Alcatraz - typical 9x5 cell

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Alcatraz - Barbershop

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Alcatraz - inmate 1106

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Alcatraz - "Broadway" cell block

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The Rock!

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Our room at the B&B

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Jeff - deep in thought

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Weekend in San Francisco

Hi everyone! We had a nice weekend exploring San Francisco. Two days weren't really enough to see the city, but we a great time. We are only 110 miles south of the city, so we can go back again. We both liked the city - the old buildings, the cable cars and the people.

Saturday afternoon was cold and rainy, so we didn't have a chance to do as many outside things as we had hoped. We stayed in a cute bed and breakfast in the mission district. The B&B was built in 1870, and survived both the great earthquake and fire in the city. They have a rooftop deck that we took a few pictures from, but it was so rainy they didn't turn out as good as we wanted. Saturday we rode the cable car down to fisherman's wharf and walked around. We watched the Patriots game at Knuckles sportsbar, supposedly the oldest bar in that area.

We went to Alcatraz on Sunday. WOW!! It was amazing. We took the walking tour and saw the cells and heard some of the stories. We didn't realize Alcatraz had been a military prison since the 1830's. And did you know the native Americans took over the island in 1970-71 to stage a protest? The island is full of buildings and gardens that the various inhabitants made over the years. Many of the buildings are off limits to the general public because they are falling apart. It would have been interesting to see Alcatraz when it was in good repair.... but as a tourist!

Karen is getting involved with the Monterey County Literacy Program as a teacher. She met with a mentor Tuesday morning to receive program materials and get some teaching ideas. Its been years since she has tutored people when she was in college. Karen's first student will be a Mexican lady named Rosario. She has a sixth grade education from Mexico. She can speak English, but she has trouble reading and writing. Rosario is married and has a 3 year old daughter, so part of our program will include helping Rosario read books that she can read to her daughter. Karen is excited to meet Rosario at the library next Wednesday!

That's all the news that's fit to print! Back to studying for us. These next few weeks we will focus on speaking.

Karen and Jeff

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Group wedding picture

Here is a beautiful picture of us at the wedding - Jorgen, Jocelyn, Karen and Jeff. Posted by Picasa

Jeff and Mr. Snowman

Notice that gleem in Jeff's eyes? I think he wanted to eat the olive eyes and red pepper mouth from his creation.... Posted by Picasa

Mr. Snowman

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A special thanks to Jocelyn for this GREAT pic of Karen! Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings to all family and friends! Those of you we weren't able to be with during the holidays were in our hearts and thoughts. We are thankful for the family and friends we were able to be with over the last two weeks. We had a wonderful time and thank everyone again for their hospitality!

Where were we, you might ask? We had a great time traveling to the East Coast to spend Christmas and New Year's with Jeff's family.

We started with some beautiful snowy days in Vermont with Linda and David, Jeff's mom and step-dad, for Christmas. Their home was incredibly decorated with Christmas trees, family heirlooms and decorations from when Jeff was a child. Linda prepared a wonderful Turkey Christmas dinner for all of us after we opened presents on Christmas morning. We went skiing in New Hampshire, and everyone was able to spend some time showing Karen the scenic towns in between.

We returned to Jim and Caroline's house, Jeff's dad and his fiance, on the 30th in time to go to Jeff's cousin Kenneth's wedding. The wedding was at a gorgeous old church (sorry, I have no idea where we were as it was my first time to the area) and then we went onto the reception which was held near by. The hall was decorated like a fairy tale for Christmas with lights and poinsettias and Christmas decorations. It was breathtaking and I think everyone had a fabulous time!

Later that night, we left for Newport, RI to spend New Year's with Jocelyn and Jorgen, Jeff's sister and her boyfriend. Newport was great. Jocelyn took Karen on a tour of the island with Elaine, Jocelyn's friend. Jorgen had a great party later that night with food from Holland, his homeland. It started to snow just before midnight and we made a snowman in the backyard. (yes, that is a beer bottle on his head...) We had a great girls day on Monday with Jocelyn, Elaine and Karen going to get their nails done, while the guys stayed home and watched some sports game ;)

We ended our trip with a few more days with Jim and Caroline before we had to leave. It was nice to hang out and talk with them. We did get a little Arabic studying in too.

All in all, we had an awesome time! We are looking forward to a new year of fun and hard work.

love to all,
Jeff and Karen