About Me

My photo
We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Jeff and his baby

God only knows why the kitten did this, but one afternoon she started to lick Jeff's head after he got a hair cut. Maybe she thought he was another cat? Posted by Picasa

Our roses

Here are our first roses blooming in our front yard. One plant is actually bright pink and the other is a very intense orange. They are also very fragrant! This is our first time with roses and they seem to be doing well here. Posted by Picasa

Our cats are bullying the neighbor's dog

Notice our cute little kitten sitting in the flowers, and see the dog through the slats of the fence? Yes its a little hard to see, but the dog was moving around a lot so it was hard to get a good shot. The cat is actually taunting the dog. She even stands up and bats the dog on the nose with her little paws.

We think both cats enjoy teasing this poor dog. As soon as they hear him bark in his backyard, they will run to the fence if they are outside or meow to him through the sliding door in the living room. The dog, of course, goes nuts barking and his people make him go inside. Posted by Picasa

Jeff's first day at work

Here is our fearless soldier ready to deploy on his first day of office duty..... Posted by Picasa

Jeff's new job

Jeff is doing great in his new job. He is excited to go to work everyday and has so many things to get done yesterday. The men and women working with him in the immersion program are very proud of everything they've done and can't wait to get the program up and running. Their target opening date is July 1st. I think they'll get it done.