About Me

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We were married in September 2005. We're best friends, and we love traveling and exploring new places. We like sci-fi movies and watching the history channel. Our little boy was born February 1, 2010. He is named Jeff Jr. or JJ. Our daughter Moira was born July 28, 2011. We have a cat named Munchkin. Jeff is a career military officer, and Karen works for a family services program for the Army. We live in Monterey, California. We are making this blog for our family and friends who we miss and want to share our life with.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Army Family Action Plan

The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is a program that allows army families to bring any concerns or problems to the attention of command. It meets every quarter at each base and all families are encouraged to participate. People bring different concerns from who gets the new houses, and a need for better lighting in the parking lots, to concerns about insufficient insurance and retirement benefits to these meetings.

The concerns are then sorted by priority and what level they can be addressed at – local, national, worldwide. Every six months, there is a “mid-level” conference where the national and worldwide concerns are addressed and then passed on to the appropriate departments.

Jeff is now an AFAP facilitator. He facilitated the local meeting in February in Monterey. He was invited by the Commander to represent the Presidio in at the Mid-Level Conference in April, in Hampton, Virginia. Go Jeff!

Vermont Visitors!

We were so happy to see Jeff’s mom and step-dad again! They came to visit us April 14-21. We were unable to get off of work to spend as much time with them as we would have wanted, but it was wonderful to see them again.

They had some adventures touring Napa Valley. They went to see a few missions. Last year they went to the Hearst Mansion and took one of four tours. This year they went back to take another tour. We want to go see the mansion also, it sounds amazing!

All in all, we had a nice week visiting and catching up. We thank them again for making the big trip across country!

Disneyworld - April 1 - 8

We spent a week in Disneyworld at the beginning of April. Karen’s parents, Rich and Sharon, joined us for about a week. It was the first time we’ve all seen each other since we left Florida in November 2005. It was great to be together again.

Jeff was invited to attend Army Family Team Building – Master Trainer classes for the week. So he was in class during the days while Karen spent time with her parents and relaxed. Jeff’s classes were a week of “train the trainer” classes – adult learning types, planning classes, giving presentations, etc. He loved it! He uses these skills while volunteering for AFTB and to give presentations to soldiers.

We bought a week pass to Disney and had a blast when Jeff was done with class each day. I don’t think we saw half of everything, even though the four of us seemed to be all over the parks. It was such a wonderful week!!! We were so sad when it was over. We are definitely moving back to Florida.
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Disney Studios - Mom and Dad

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Hi Family and Friends!

We are sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted! We are having fun and doing great. We’ve settled into our new house, and we’ve been working hard. Our cats are doing well. They love sitting in all the windows in the new house and are on constant watch for birds.

We hope you enjoy our stories and pictures. Well, not as many pictures as we would want. Our camera is safe somewhere at home, we just don’t know where. We’ve unpacked everything but a few boxes of books, so the camera is most likely under a book…

We miss all of you and hope you’re doing well too!

Karen and Jeff

Our New House

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